Prof Mehmet Ungan, MD

Prof. Mehmet Ungan, MD

Webinars and Speeches Including the WHO

  1. Title: Practical Considerations for the Responsible Use of Pain MedicationChronic pain affects millions of people globally and significantly affects quality of life. Do you know how to safely and effectively manage this condition in your patients? Authors: Jo Nijs, PT, MT, PhD; Vered Simovich, MD; Mehmet Ungan, MD, PhD; Daniel Ciampi de Andrade, MD, PhD

  2. Title: Controversy in Cancer Screening: Gastric Cancer
    WONCA Europe Webinar, 28 March 2023, 18:30 CET. Moderator: Prof. Mehmet Ungan, Speakers: Prof. Marcis Leja, Prof. Juan Mendive

  3. Title: “Priority setting of primary health care services at the time of pandemic: what impact on health outcomes? ” in WHO Europe’s “Let’s Talk Primary Health Care” on 24 February 2021, 11.00 -- 12.45 CET hosted by WHO European Centre for Primary Health Care. Panel includes: Dr Pia Vracko, Senior Advisor, National Public Health Institute, Slovenia, Dr Suvi Vaniomiäki, GP and Deputy Chief Physician, Turku Welfare Division, Finland, Prof Dr Mehmet Ungan, President of WONCA Europe, Dr Toni Dedeu, Senior Expert WHO European Center for Primary Health Care. , moderated by Melitta Jakab, Head of Office WHO European Center for Primary Health Care, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

  4. Title: Prevention, diagnosis, treatment and following Heart Failure
    WONCA Europe Webinar, 5 Novermber 2021, 18:00 CET. Moderator: Prof. Mehmet Ungan, Speakers: Prof. Sadi Gulec, Prof. Richard Hobbs
  5. Title: Video statement by Prof Ungan in commemoration of the Astana Declaration: Remembering the Declarations of Alma-Ata And Astana.
    WONCA Europe YouTube, 11 November 2020

  6. Title: WONCA Open Meeting at the Family Doctors Europe 2020 Virtual Conference
    Recorded at the Family Doctors Europe 2020 Virtual Conference

  7. Title: “Family Physicians And The Covid-19 Pandemic: The Way Forward” on 4 June 2020 16:30-17:30 CEST, Joint WHO Europe and WONCA Europe Webinar, Dr Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe, Prof Mehmet Ungan, President of WONCA Europe, Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, Director of the Division for Country Health Policies and Systems, WHO Regional Office for Europe, Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Frese, WONCA Europe.
  8. Title: WONCA Europe President Mehmet Ungan talking to Family Doctors on Covid-19
    WONCA Europe YouTube, 5 April 2020