Prof Mehmet Ungan, MD

Prof. Mehmet Ungan, MD

Presentations in International Congresses (Published in the Congress Presentation Book)

1. Guzel, A., E. Ergüler, M. Ungan, “Resistance Formation to Antituberculoid Drugs in Diyarbakır and its Vicinity”, Oral Presentation, Proc. 5th International Medical Sciences Student Congress, 15- 17 May, Istanbul, Turkey, 1989

2. Aras, N.K., Y. Laleli, L. Kuscu, F. Korkusuz, M. Ungan, U. Günel, S. Turanlı, İ. Gökmen, S. Alkan, G. Yılmaz, N. Akkaş, O. Akkuş, P. Korkusuz, A. Özkul, “ Study of Osteoporosis Through The Measurment of Bone Mineral Density, Trace Elements, Biomechanical Properties and Immunocytochemicals”, Proc. 1st Research Coordination Meeting, Vienna Austria, 12-15 December 1994. *IAEA Proje Rapor Kitabı: Nahres-31, INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY (IAEA) publication, Vienna, 1996.

3. Aras, N.K., S.Alkan, G.Yılmaz, M. Volkan, F. Korkusuz, M. Ungan. L. Kuscu, Y. Laleli, F. Eksioğlu, B. Sepici, U. Günel, P.Korkusuz, “Study of Osteoporosis Through the Measurement of Bone Mineral Density, Trace Elements and Immunocytochemicals”. Oral Presentation: Mehmet Ungan, Proc. 2nd Research Coordination Meeting of International Atomic Energy Agency on Comparative International Studies of Osteoporosis, University of California, San Diego, California, USA. 5-10 October, 1996.

4. Ungan, M., F. Korkusuz, G.Yılmaz, S. Alkan ve N.K. Aras, “Statistical Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density with Respect to Life Style of Healthy Subjects,” Oral Presentation, International Conference on Applied Statistics in Medical Sciences (ICASMES), August 12-14, Ankara, 1997. *IAEA Project Report Book: Nahres-40, 13-(2-7), INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY (IAEA) publication, Vienna, 1998.

5. Aras, N.K., G.Yılmaz, S. Alkan, F. Korkusuz, M. Ungan, L. Kuscu, Y. Laleli, F. Eksioglu, B. Sepici, U. Günel, “Study of Osteoporosis Through the Measurement of Bone Mineral Density, Trace Elements”, Proc. 3rd Research Coordination Meeting of International Atomic Energy Agency on Comparative International Studies of Osteoporosis”, Oral Presentation, Sao Paulo, Brazil 24-27 August 1998. *IAEA Project Report Book:Nahres-51, INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY (IAEA) publication, Vienna, 2000.

6. Keskinege A., M. Ungan, C. Kılınç, S. Beşe, Ç. Koçabay, “The Effects of Thromboplastins with Different Intenational Sensitivity Index (ISI) on Prothrombin Time Testing”, Oral Presentation, Proc. 15th International Congress on Thrombosis, October 16-21, Antalya, 1998. HAEMOSTASIS-International Journal on Haemostasis and Thrombosis Research, Vol. 28 (Suppl2):466, Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers, Basel, Paris, London, NewYork, New Delhi, Bangkok, Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney, October 1998.

7. Ungan, M., H.Yaman, N. Taheri, “ The seroprevalence of antibodies to hepatitis A virus IgG in a Turkish population”, Oral Presentation: Mehmet Ungan., Proc. European General Practice Workshop, Crete- Greece, 22-25 October 1998, Family Practice, Vol. 16, 4:55, Oxford University Press, London –UK,1999.

8. Ungan, M., S.Kocak, H.Yaman, “Farklı Spor Etkinlik Düzeylerinde Görülebilen Mide Barsak Yakınmaları”, Poster, Proc. 5th International Sport Sciences Congress, 5-7 November 1998 Ankara/Turkey, Hacettepe University Congress Centre, (Abstract Book).

9. Ungan, M., M.Tumer, “Women’s Knowledge of Osteoporosis”, Oral Presentation: Mehmet Ungan, Proc. WONCA 1999-European General Practice Workshop, EGPRW-Palma de Mallorca,-Spain, 10-22 May 1999, The European Journal of General Practice, Vol. 5, 3:121-130, Mediselect Publisher, Leusden, The Netherlands, 1999.

10. Ungan, M., H.Yaman, M. Cingi, “Birinci Basamakta Görsel Tanının Uygunluğu”, Poster, Proc. III. Uluslararası Avrasya Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Antalya-Türkiye, 10-13 Ekim 1999, Avrasya Gastroenteroloji Derneği Bildiri Özet Kitabı, 43, Kardelen Ofset, Ankara-Türkiye.

11. Ungan, M., H. Yaman, “Consultation length of different medical specialists working in primary health care settings in Ankara/Turkey”. Oral Presentation: Mehmet Ungan, Proc. European General Practice Workshop, Gottingen-Germany, 14-17 October 1999, The European Journal of General Practice, Vol. 6, 1:A.5, Mediselect Publisher, Leusden, The Netherlands, 2000.

12. Lionis C., Z.Azeredo, F.Zotti, F.G.Gorina, A. Misfu, M. Ungan, “ Prevelance of hepatitis C in different primary care settings: The Six Mediterranean Countries”, Oral Presentation: All participants, Proc. European General Practice Workshop, Gottingen-Germany, 14th-17th October 1999, The European Journal of General Practice, Vol. 6, 1:A.10, Mediselect Publisher, Leusden, The Netherlands, 2000.

13. Yaman H., A.Kut, M.Ungan, “ Health problems among UN-Refugees at a family medical center in Ankara/Turkey”, Oral Presentation: Mehmet Ungan Proc. European General Practice Workshop, Gottingen-Germany, 14th-17th October 1999, The European Journal of General Practice, Vol. 6, 1:A.12, Mediselect Publisher, Leusden, The Netherlands, 2000.

14. Ungan M., N.Taheri, “Influenza Virus Observation in 1998-99 Winter Season in a Turkish Primary Care Setting”, Oral Presentation: Mehmet Ungan, Proc. WONCA 2000, 6th European Conference on General Practice & Family Medicine, 2-6 July 2000, Vienna ( WONCA abstract book).

15. Ungan, M., H.Yaman, N. Taheri, “The Prevalence of Antibodies to Hepatitis A Among Preschool Children in an Urban Setting in Turkey”, Poster, Proc. 16th World Congress of Family Doctors, 13-17 May, Durban, S. Africa, 2001. (WONCA Abstract Book).

16. Lionis C., E. Tireos, F.Govaerts, E. Jurgova, M. Bulc, T. Drenthen, M. Mancini, S. Keinanen, M. Sheehan, C. Michael, H. Tabenkin, E. Kitain, S. Gade, G. Fowler, C. Bjorkelund, K. Sipr, R. Radzeviciene, L. Pulleritis, A. Mierzecki, M. Godycki, R. Pombal, M.Ungan, K. Pokhis, M. Sammut, R. Tatardze, I. Pichler, J. Vucak, R. Pinero, P. Kloppe, R. Guayta, R. Ciurana, C. Brotons, “ Health Promotion in Primary Care. Do We Practice What We Preach?”, Oral Presentation: All participants, Proc. The 2001 Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine (WONCA Region Europe), 3-7 June, 2001, Tampere- Finland, (WONCA-ESGP, Abstract Book).

17. Ungan M., JK. Soler, L. Pisco, B. Merkouris, J. Mendive, E. Kitai, F. Carelli, “ Towards a Mediterranean General Practice/Family Medicine Model: Lessons Learnt from Six Countries”, Oral Presentation: All participants, Proc. The 2001 Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine (WONCA Region Europe), 3-7 June, 2001, Tampere- Finland, (WONCA-ESGP, Abstract Book).

18. Ungan, M., H.Yaman, “Burnout in Family Medicine Residents in Turkey”, Oral Presentation: Mehmet Ungan, Proc. The 2001 Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine (WONCA Region Europe), EGPRN scientific program, 3-7 June, 2001, Tampere- Finland, (WONCA-ESGP Final Program and EGPRN Abstract BookPublished also in European Journal of General Practice’, Volume 7, September 2001, p A.20.

19. Ungan, M., H.Yaman, “University Students’ Knowledge of AIDS”, Poster, Proc. The 2001 Conference of the European Society of General Practice/Family Medicine (WONCA Region Europe), EGPRN scientific programme, 3-7 June, 2001, Tampere- Finland, (WONCA-ESGP Final Program and EGPRN Abstract Book). Published also in European Journal of General Practice, Volume 7, September 2001, p A.22.

20. Ungan M., K. Karayalçın, N. Aras, Y.R. Laleli, “The Prevalence of Asymptomatic Gallstones in a Turkish Population”, Poster, Proc. Fourth Congress of the European Chapter of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Billiary Association, 27-30 May, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2001. HPB (The Official Journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association), Vol. 3, 1:123, ISIS Medical Media, London, 2001.

21. Yaman H, M. Ungan, Soler JK. “Frequency of Job-Related Burnout in Family Physicians working in Family Practice: Proposal for a Multinational Study of European Countries'', Oral Presentation, Proc. European General Practice Workshop, Gydnia/Gdansk Meeting, 18-21 October, 2001, Gydnia- Poland (EGPRN Abstract Book).

22. Yaman H, JK Soler, M. Ungan. “The Job-Related Burnout Questionnaire in Family Practice: A Multinational Pilot Study”. Oral Presentation, European General Practice Workshop, Avignon Meeting, 9-12 May, 2002, Avignon- France, Proceeding in European Journal of General Practice, Vol. 8, October 2002.

23. Akin S; F.Korkusuz, M. Ungan, S. Işıklı, “ Bone mineral density of lumbar spine and proximal femur in healthy males”, Poster, Proc. Osteoporosis Int, Vol. 13, S87-S87 Suppl. 1, 2002 (Indexed in sci) and; Proc. 7th International Conference on Nuclear Analytic Methods in the Life Sciences, page 24, 16-21 June, Antalya, Turkey, 2002.

24. Korkusuz F; S. Işıklı, S. Akin, M. Ungan, A. Şenköylü, N.K. Aras, “Precision of a dual energy x-ra absorptiometry device”, Sözel Sunum, Proc. 7th International Conference on Nuclear Analytic Methods in the Life Sciences, page:26, 16-21 June, Antalya, Turkey, 2002.

25. Ungan M, “Towards to the development of a mutual collaboration between Greek and Turkish General Practice/Family Medicine: The first experiences learnt”, 16 April, Greek National Congress, KOS Island, Greece, 2004.

26. Soler JK et al “ The international study of burnout in European Family Doctors”, 15 th May, Proc. European General Practice Network, 15th May (13th-16th May), Antwerb –Belgium, 2004.

27. Ungan M, İ.H Kara, “An overview of the Research in Turkish Family Medicine”, Proc. WONCA Asia Paciific Conference 2005, May 27-31, Poster Presentation, Kyoto-, Japan, 2005.

28. Ungan M, Jacquet JP; “Abstract Reviewers’ Training, How to evaluate abstracts with a scoring scale?”, Thursday, October 18th, 2007, WONCA Europe Conference, Paris, France, 18 October 2007.

29. Ungan M “Overcoming the Distances” by the contribution of WONCA-Europe Networks,, September 5th, 2008, WONCA Europe Conference, Conference Book p 3, Istanbul, 2008.

30. Yaman H, M Ungan, P Van Royen; Workshop on the Turkish Research Agenda, Sept 9th, 2008, WONCA Europe Conference, Conference Book, p 64, Istanbul. 2008.

31. Hummers P. E. , Ungan M. , van Royen P. “General Practice: Towards special interests or a generalist view? Workshop on the European Research Agenda for General Practice; Swiss Med Wkly 2009;139(33–34): 15, 15th WONCA Europe Conference, Basel 2009.

32. Why don’t you take your cholesterol lowerig pills? Ceyhun Peker G and at al, European General Practice Research Network 10-13 May 2012 Ljubljana, Slovenia (Poster)

33. Prevalence of LTBI by IGRA vs. TST Among Refugees and Immigrants in between May 2013-October 2014 (18 months), Turkey, IPPA Summit, Hong Kong, March 2015.

34. Breast Cancer History Among Migrants in between May 2013-October 2014 (18 months), Turkey, , IPPA Summit, Hong Kong, March 2015.

35. Mental Disorder Prevalence Among Refugees and Immigrants in between May 2013-October 2014 (18 months), Turkey, , IPPA Summit, Hong Kong, March 2015.

36. - Enhancing our EMR System, , IPPA Summit, Hong Kong, March 2015.

37. Workshop: Ethical Dilemmas Related to Panel Site Practice, Ungan M, Todd M, Session 7: Monday March 9, 09:00, IPPA Summit, Hong Kong, March 2015.

38. Workshop: Friday March 13: Risk Management--Successful Interventions from the Panel Physician Perspective, Jawa A and Ungan M, IPPA Summit, Hong Kong, March 2015.

39. Tuz C, Tekiner S, Ungan M; “What are the challenges of general practitioners towards vaccination in the elderly? October 2015 EGPRN Meetin Edirne .

40. Coşkun S, Ceyhun Peker GC, Tekiner AS, Dağlı Z, Ungan M; “The risk of vitamin d deficiency in elderly patients with polypharmacy & management of rational polypharmacy”, October 2015 EGPRN Meeting Edirne.

41. Zehra Dağlı, Burcu Gürhan, Bora Taylaner, Ayşe Selda Tekiner, Ayşe Gülsen Ceyhun Peker, Mehmet Ungan, “ Assessment of patients applying to emergency department in terms of primary care” WONCA 2015 Congress 22 -25 October İstanbul TURKEY

42. A nightmare of a family physician; Headlice; a case report and literature review, Duygu Ilke Yıldırım, Ayşe Selda Tekiner, Ayşe Gulşen Ceyhun Peker, Mehmet Ungan, Department of Family Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey. WONCA 2015 Congress 22 -25 October İstanbul TURKEY

43. Efficiency of management of urinary tract infections at a university hospital family medicine outpatient clinic, Zehra Dağlı, Duygu Ilke Yıldırım, Ayşe Selda Tekiner, Ayşe Gülsen Ceyhun Peker, Mehmet Ungan Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, WONCA 2015 Congress 22 -25 October İstanbul TURKEY

44. Evaluation of Cases with Postmenopausal Bleeding, Tuba Ömeroğlu, Zehra Dağlı, Zeynep Bayraktutar, Ayşe Selda Tekiner, Mehmet Ungan Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey

45. Use of Antibiotics for Upper Respiratory Tract İnfections at the Family Medicine Out-patient Clinic at a University Hospital" , WONCA 2015 Congress 22 -25 October İstanbul TURKEY

46. Seda Coskun, Zehra Dağlı, Ayşe Selda Tekiner, Ayşe Gülsen Ceyhun Peker, Mehmet Ungan Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine, Ankara, Turkey. WONCA 2015 Congress 22 -25 October İstanbul TURKEY

47. Tuğrul Bıyıklıoğlu, Mehmet Ungan. “Patient empowerment: a life changing practice or an illusion”. Presented at 20 th WONCA Europe 2015 Istanbul Conference to take place in Istanbul October 22-25, 2015.

48. Tuğba Yurdakul, Ayşe Gülsen Ceyhun Peker, Zehra Dağlı, Ayşe Selda Tekiner, Mehmet Ungan, Comparison of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and Patient Health Questionnaire to Screen Postpartum Depressive Symptoms among Mothers of 0-12-Month-Old Babies, WONCA 2015 Congress 22 -25 October İstanbul TURKEY

49. Ayşe Gülsen Ceyhun Peker, Zehra Dağli, Neslihan Övet, Ayşe Selda Tekiner, Filiz Ak, Mehmet Ungan, “Is daily fluid consumption and notion of fluid adequate?” , WONCA 2015 Congress 22 -25 October İstanbul TURKEY

50. Tuğrul Bıyıklıoğlu, Mehmet Ungan. “Evaluation of the empowerment levels of type 2 diabetes patients seen in an outpatient diabetes clinic of a university hospital”. Presented at EGPRN Meeting Leipzig-Germany 12 th -16 th October 2016. One slide-five minutes, Ask the experts session.

51. Tuğrul Bıyıklıoğlu, Mehmet Ungan. “Evaluation of the empowerment levels of type 2 diabetes patients seen in an outpatient diabetes clinic of a university hospital”. Presented at 22 nd WONCA Europe Conference June 28-July 1, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.

52. Tuğrul Bıyıklıoğlu, Mehmet Ungan. “The relationship between socioeconomic status and empowerment levels of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients seen in a diabetes clinic in Turkey”. Presented at 7 th EURIPA Health Forum, Crete Greece 02-04 November 2017.