Prof Mehmet Ungan, MD

Prof. Mehmet Ungan, MD

Books and Chapters Published by National Publishers

Books in English

  1. Baum E, Ungan M, Stylarts C Editors; WONCA World Book of Family Medicine European Edition December 2020; Berlin, electronic copy: Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v LjubljaniCOBISS.SI-ID=41339395ISBN 978-961-07-0307-5 (epub)
  2. Ungan M; Stylarts C; Editors; WONCA World Book  of Family Medicine European Edition 2015; ISBN 978-961-281-983-5; English; Ljubiana, Slovenia 2015
  3. Ungan, M., Tüzer T.T., “Lecture notes on Maternal and Child Health”, ISBN 975-93541-0-1, First Publication, Language: English , Damla Matbacılık, Ankara, 2001

International Book Editorial & Book Chapters

  1. Mental Health Screening of Syrian, Iraqi, Afghan and Other Refugees Awaiting Migratıon From Turkiye to the United States”, in the book of Anxiety and Depression in Primary Care International Perspectives, endorsed by the World Organization of Family Doctors, WONCA

  2. EGPRN Research Strategy for General Practice in Europe 2021”. Sponsor European General Practice Research Network (EGRPN, Project Team: Collins C (Editor) Authors: Collins C, Diaz E, Petek D, Muñoz MA, Fors CV, Tatsioni A, Eliat-Tsanani S, Lingner H, Assenova R, Lionis C, Dobbs F, Ungan M, Tkachenko V.
  3. Ungan M, “Infodemic, Health Literacy, Water, and the 25th Birthday of WONCA Europe”, WONCA World Book of Family Medicine European Edition December 2020; Berlin, electronic copy: Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripraviti v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani COBISS.SI-ID=41339395 ISBN 978-961-07-0307-5 (epub), page 6-8 
  4. Ungan M; Section IV: Primary care research organization“, page 146; European General Practice Research Network; “International Perspectives on Primary Care Research, ISBN 13: 978-1-78523-012-7 (Paperback), First Publication, Language : English, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742
  5. “COVID-19 e Kitap” (Genişletilmiş İkİnci Baskı) Memikoğlu O, Genç V eds; Bölüm 74, Sağlığın Belirleyenleri, Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kesişimsellik Merceği İle COVID-19, Pandemisi ve Dezavantajlı/Kırılgan Gruplar Filiz Ak, Mehmet Ungan. Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi 2021; p:565-586.
  6. Sağlıklı Yaşam Kitabı-Bölüm 7 “Riskli Davranışlar” / Healthy Life Book- Chapter 7 , “Risky Behaviors” , Editorial by Aktürk Z, 01/2012. Published by Anadolu University, ISBN Nr: 9789750615313, year 2013
  7. Gastroenterology Hepatology Diagnosis and Treatment” “Gastroenteroloji Hepatoloji Tanı ve Tedavi”, first“ print/ilk basım, Editor: Prof.Dr. Cem Kalaycı, CCM Group Danışmanlık, ISBN 97860561085-0-1 Chapter 26 “Parasitic Diseases” / Bölüm 26, “Paraziter Hastalıklar” Page 165-172, Matbaa Çözümleri San Dış Tic Ltd.Sti, 2010
  8. T.R Ministry of Health “ Lecture Notes for the Family Doctors in 1st Phase of the retraining courses”, Ungan M, Yaman H, “Research and Research Agenda in Family Practice”/” Aile Hekimliği Pratiğinde Araştırma ve Konuları”, Chapter 4 page 113-120 , Editor: Görpeloğlu S, Ata Ofset . ve Yayıncılık, 2004