Prof Mehmet Ungan, MD

Prof. Mehmet Ungan, MD

Projects and Positions

A. EU Navigate, an intercontinental, interdisciplinary and intersectoral research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme, with grant agreement no. 101057361 (2022-2027); International Advisory Board member. EU Navigate is a European project investigating navigation programmes in different EU countries. Navigation programmes support older people with cancer and declining health throughout their trajectory to live as well as possible at home. Specially-trained navigators help older people and their families access needed resources and services, while providing companionship and support. The project has 12 partners.

B. PROTECT-EUROPE is an European Union- EU4 Health Project 2022-2024; Steering Committee Member and WP leader. The project champions gender-neutral vaccination programmes in EU Member States to provide protection for everyone against cancers caused by HPV e.g. cervical, anal, penile, vaginal, vulval and oropharyngeal. On behalf of WONCA Europe Prof Ungan is leading the two packages, WP2.1 and WP 2.5 in consultation with WONCA Europe and with other 33 project partners.

C. EGPRN Research Strategy for General Practice in Europe 2021; Claire Collins (Editor) Authors: Esperanza Diaz, Davorina Petek, Miguel Angel Muñoz, Concepción Violán Fors, Athina Tatsioni, Sophie Eliat-Tsanani, Heidrun Lingner, Radost Assenova, Christos Lionis, Frank Dobbs, Mehmet Ungan and Victoria Tkachenko; The vision of this Research Strategy is to promote relevant research of the highest quality within GP/ FM where an evidence based culture informs efforts to improve the health of citizens and to develop services. It presents a strategic plan for the growth of research and innovation across the European GP/FM research community, presenting a framework to be adapted in individual countries.

D. “Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS, Safe Sex and Effective Birth Control”. European Union Project Funds, Med-Campus , Project Nr: C-086, 1994-1995. Project Coordinator: Martin Hazell-University of Cork-Ireland. Position: Project Design, Project Partner, researcher, and pilot course trainer)/ ( director of Project: Prof.Dr. Namık Kemal ARAS, METU Chemistry Department. Partner Countries: Brazil, Canada, Chili, Chinai, Croatia, Hungary, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, UK, USA, Austria and Turkey, 1994-2001.

E. T.R.Ministry of Development, “Primary Health Care Specialist Commission” (8th Project of 5 years development plan) Member of the specialist committee (2000).

F. T.R.Ministry of Development, “Primary Health Care Development Project”” (Official Newspaper, 17.12.1997, nr: 23203). Family Medicine Training Advisory Board Member, Tümerdem, Y., M.Ungan (Raportör); Y. Aral, M. Baytemür, M. Birol, F. Erkan, L. Kutlu, R.Olguntürk, S. Saygı, B. Seçkin, A. Üstünel, “ Family Physician training work group report for “Development of the Primary Health Care Service” T.R. Ministry of Health Project Directory Report Book, page:8-15, January 1993, Ankara.

G. “Design of a health insurance system and a hospital”. IE 428 System Design Project, Proje Numarası: METU 4, Middle East Technical University Department of Industrial Engineering. Project Sponsor: Dr. Mehmet Ungan, Project Advisors: Prof. Dr. Sibel Güven, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Erol Sayın. Group members: Şule Eren, Banu Dilik, Yasemin Kaya, Taylan Güvercin. Ankara-1998.

H. ``Frequency Of Job-Related Burn-Out In FP’s Working In General Practice/Family Practice”: An International Study Of European Countries. Supported by European Society Of General Practice/WONCA Europe. Project Report, Published in “Family Practice”, 2008 ( Soler JK; Yaman H; Esteva M; Dobbs F; Asenova RS; Katic M; Ozvacic Z; Desgranges JP; Moreau A; Lionis C; Kotányi P; Carelli F; Nowak PR; de Aguiar Sá AZaida; Marklund E; Churchill D; Ungan M, ”Burnout in European family doctors: the EGPRN study”. Family practice 2008;25(4):245-65).

I. Turkish Family Physicians- Osteoporosis in Menopause Research (TAHMOPA), Project Director Assoc.Prof. .Dr. İ.H.Kara, Dicle Üniversity School of Medicine Dept of Fam Med., Project Advisors: Prof. Dr. Nafiz Bozdemir and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ungan, Ethical Committee Kurul Decision: 08.12.2005 (Nr of Meeting:81, Nr of Decisionı:324), In 2007 Project was completed, Published in Int J Vitam Nutr Res ( Kara İH, and et al, Habitual Tea Drinking and Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Turkish Women: Investigation of Prevalence of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis in Turkey (IPPOT Study), Int J Vitam Nutr Res 77(6):389-397 (2007).

J.European Research Agenda for General Practice/Family Medicine''. Sponsors: European General Practice Research Network (EGRPN) and WONCA Europe special project funds were the financial sponsors Project Team: Pradier EH, Beyer M, Chevallier P, Eilat S, Lionis C, Peremans L, Petek D, Rurik, I, Soler JK, Stoffers EJH, Topsever P , Ungan M, Royen PV. Address for correspondence: EGPRN Co-ordinating Centre, Hanny Prick, Department of General Practice, University Maastricht, P.O. Box 616, NL 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands. (Project Report was published in 2009 as a joint book of WONCA EU and EGPRN.