Prof Mehmet Ungan, MD

Prof. Mehmet Ungan, MD

Translation of International Book or a Chapter

1. “Nelson, Essentials of Pediatrics”, Second Edition, W.B. Saunders Company-Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd Şti, 1996. Chapter of Infectious Diseases.

2. “Infection Control”, Book Translation,, Reference Book for the Nurses for HIV/AIDS,WHO publication Turkish version is published by JHPIEGO Corporation, 1997.

3. “ICPC-2-R: International Classification of Primary Care”, Oxford University Press; 2nd Bk&Cdr edition, 2005, ICPC2-R-2 Birinci Basamağın Uluslararası Sınıflaması. Akturk Z, Dağdeviren N ( Editorlers), TAHUD publication, Istanbul, 2006, ISBN:975-00631-0-4.

4. “Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Family Medicine” (ISBN:975-277-130-0), Chapter 3 page 336-347 OSTEOPOROSIS, Editors: Kut A; Tokalak I, Eminsoy MG, Gunes Tıp Kitabevi, Sıhhiye, Ankara. Yenileme: “Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Family Medicine” (ISBN:978-277-314-1), Chapter 3, p 298-309, Osteoporosis, Editors: Kut A; Tokalak I, Eminsoy MG, Gunes Tıp Kitabevi, Sıhhiye, Ankara, 2010

5. “Family Oriented Primary Care” /Aile Yönelimli Birincil Bakım”, Springer Science-Business Media- Translation Editorial, Dr. Hakan Yaman, Chapter Editor: Dr. Mehmet Ungan, “Evaluation and treatment of depression in Primar Care” Depresyonun birinci basamak sağlık hizmetlerinde değerlendirilmesi ve tedavisi”, Yüce reklam yayın a.ş, Nato cad Nr:23 Seyrantepe Istanbul, Ozgun ofset, Nisan, 2007.

6. “Andreoli and Carpenter’s CECIL Essentials of MEDICINE”, Saunders an imprint of Elsevier Inc., Translation Editor , Dr. Selcuk Mıstık, Part 6, Chapter 34, 7th Print, Dr. Mehmet Ungan, “Endoscopy and Imaging” /Endoskopi ve Görüntüleme İşlemleri”, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, Ozgun ofset, 2008.

7. “Öyküye Dayalı Birincil Bakım Uygulama Rehberi”, Radcliff Medical Press Ltd, Tercüme Editörü : Prof. Hakan Yaman, ISBN 978-975-96430-1-0, İkon matbaacılık ve yayıncılık Sa Ltd Şti, 2010.